Evaluation of over 50 different technologies (world-wide) for small standard modular biomass generators showed the micro-turbine technology to be best CHP solution under 1 MWe on the market today. Cedar Ridge CE became Talbott's Biomass Generators (TBG) exclusive distributor in Central Europe, selling 3 complete systems in 2011. In 2012, the Biomass Generator manufacturing activity was transferred to our partner company, Technical Environmental Solutions Slovakia (TESS), where Cedar Ridge CE continues to be a Central European distributor. From 2012 to 2015, TESS performed trials on prototype TESS Biomass Generators, former TBG BG50 installations that we upgraded to meet customer specifications (TESS-1 & TESS-3). In 2015, TESS designed, built and factory tested our CHP50120 engineering prototype (TESS-4); and in 2016 shipped the unit to Canada where it is undergoing installation works and trials. TESS is currently preparing to build TESS-5 CHP50120, the firstof series model to meet European and North American market requirements for standard modular decentralised continuous renewable energy. TESS is also appointing distributors to service our markets, where each TESS CHP50120 can provide 50 kWe of electrical energy to the grid, and 120 kWth of heat energy to meet local requirements (municipal, private and industrial). Demonstrations can be organised on prototype installation sites, and TESS-5 is planned to be installed as a permanent operational demonstration site. Please click on below link to visit TESS website for more information.
Cedar RidgeGroup provides Project Management expertise for implementation of systems based on RFID technologies for the Manufacturing and Utility, Automotive and Transport sectors, providing management solutions for JIT logistics and underground networks. Among its clients, the Group is a preferred Ford Motor Company supplier, with the November 2004 VEV award for service quality. Other recent customer implementations are improved logistics solution for British Telecom and a traceability system for infection process management for NHS. We work with TransCore technologies for our rail sector solutions. Website of CedarRidge... |